From the Editor in Chief

From the Editor in Chief – Winter 2022-23

Did you know that your QRCA magazine is produced by an all-volunteer QRCA member committee, along with one QRCA staff liaison from Ewald Consulting, and our publisher, E&M Consulting, Inc.? Through member surveys, we know that our members see VIEWS as an important resource for leading-edge and applicable qualitative ideas and information. […]

From the Editor in Chief

From the Editor in Chief – Fall 2022

A recent research study from Oracle and author-podcaster Gretchen Rubin, The Happiness Report, found that 91 percent of people prefer brands to be funny and 72 percent would choose a brand that uses humor over the competition. However, 95 percent of business leaders fear using humor in customer interactions. […]

From the Editor in Chief

From the Editor in Chief – Summer 2022

I don’t have a green thumb, and while my husband gets all the credit for our many thriving plants indoors, we struggle with our outdoors landscaping. So, a friend who is obsessed with gardening is helping us visualize some problem areas outside to provide us with a renewed sense of surroundings for our home. She doesn’t just plant and enjoy. Rather, she is constantly trying new plants, moving things around in her yard, and learning as she goes—all the while enjoying a refreshed look at beauty all the time. […]

From the Editor in Chief

From the Editor in Chief – Winter 2021-22

Winter is coming! Yikes, did I just start off this column with a clichéd Game of Thrones reference? Just like winter came for the house of Frey (thank you, Arya Stark), winter has come for me as well. Two years ago, I took over the editor-in-chief position from Jenifer Hartt, which means that this winter’s edition will be my last. It’s time to pass the torch (or snow shovel as the case may be) to someone willing and capable. That someone is (drumroll please) Tamara Kenworthy. This of course means that VIEWS is in great hands.  […]

From the Editor in Chief

From the Editor in Chief – Fall 2021

I hope that this issue inspires you the same way it did all of us on the VIEWS team. You’ll be whisked away to the desert of Burning Man and the beautiful landscape of Southeast Asia. You’ll learn all about dark marketing and how to use WhatsApp in your qualitative research. Interested in storytelling? We’ve got something for you to sink your creative teeth into in this month’s Luminaries column which profiles Nancy Cox, a storytelling consultant. […]

photo sequence
Schools of Thought

What Might a Picture “Sequence” Reveal for Deeper Insights?

Like many marketing researchers and facilitators, Mary Ellyn Vicksta uses photos and visuals during focus groups and facilitate meetings to prompt responses. The use of sequencing can be extremely helpful to get to a deeper meaning—whether that is with consumers or with clients as they develop products or services. This article explains sequencing and how to use it. […]

From the Editor in Chief

From the Editor in Chief – Summer 2021

I’d like to call out a few changes we’ve made starting with the summer issue. We’ve decided to pivot the Online/Tech Talk column to have more of an industry focus. Years ago, when online qualitative was “new,” it warranted its own feature. However, we realized that there was a lot of overlap between that column and our Toolbox feature and, in the spirit of bringing more value to our readers, we decided to craft a column that highlights a different vertical in every edition. We welcome Tom Neveril to the QRCA VIEWS team as editor of this new feature. […]

From the Editor in Chief

From the Editor in Chief – Spring 2021

Well, here we are, a full year since our world (and industry) was upended by the COVID-19 pandemic. In the past twelve months, we’ve experienced and witnessed anxiety, fear, outrage—fueled not only by the pandemic but also by social injustice. We must remember that the people we interview every day do not live in a vacuum; they, like us, can’t help but see, hear, and feel all of the flaws of the world that have been placed under a microscope, it seems, in the past year.  […]