Por qué invertir en la marca de su empresa es importante para su estrategia de crecimiento
Por qué la creación de una marca es una inversión importante para una empresa de investigación cualitativa como parte de su estrategia de crecimiento. […]
Por qué la creación de una marca es una inversión importante para una empresa de investigación cualitativa como parte de su estrategia de crecimiento. […]
Stay informed of the latest qualitative research trends and tools with QRCA VIEWS magazine. […]
Mike Carlon’s latest podcast with Dresden McBride leverages their combined four decades of conducting user research in the financial services industry and is a must-listen for researchers interested in the digital customer experience. Highlights include when and why to leverage instinct and experience over customer opinions, and Dresden’s take on how researchers and designers can work more effectively together. […]
Last year, the QRCA Board of Directors approved a fitting celebration of Naomi Henderson’s memory. As part of the team that selected the winners of these awards, the decision was very difficult. Everyone who applied was extraordinary in their own way. I was honored to deliver the awards at the QRCA 2024 annual conference in Denver to Daniel Berkal and Julianna DeMicco. […]
Our VIEWS team is so energized by and proud of the myriad articles that we cover to keep readers current on leading trends and best practices, including the overwhelming digital space. Our cover story features the Global column and highlights thought leadership at the highest level with a look at the metaverse, in which the authors penned a must-read article on what this realm may mean for qualitative research now and in the future. […]
Oana Popa Rengle reviews renowned music producer Rick Rubin’s book, The Creative Act: A Way of Being—which she praises for being written in language that flows like a poem and inspires readers to open themselves up to the creativity that lives around and within them. […]
Josef-Konrad Radomski reviews Dan Martell’s book, Buy Back Your Time, which guides entrepreneurs and business owners in increasing efficiency and personal satisfaction by outsourcing certain tasks. The author reframes hiring as a way to buy back time on the calendar, allowing leaders to concentrate on activities that drive passion and business growth. […]
Jodi McGee reviews The Good Life by Robert Waldinger and Marc Schulz, calling it a “slow-burning truth bomb.” Using data from an 80+ year Harvard study, the authors underscore the importance of relationships and their ability to keep us happier and healthier for longer. […]
Many small business owners avoid sales and marketing because they’re uncomfortable with them and unsure how to implement them effectively. But like every other aspect of business, there’s a process to them. This article lays out that process for you with proven, real-world examples of how to get started. […]
QRCA Emeriti discuss “legacy”—the impact we leave behind, encompassing our values, wisdom, artifacts, and financial gifts to future generations. Essential reading for qualitative researchers intent on making their mark on the industry. […]
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