VIEWS Podcasts: Joe Indusi
Joe Indusi, founder of TrueView Audio Visual, discusses his journey from entertainment to UX research, the evolution of UX, and future trends in usability research. […]
Joe Indusi, founder of TrueView Audio Visual, discusses his journey from entertainment to UX research, the evolution of UX, and future trends in usability research. […]
Mike Carlon takes us back in time to show how product development research in financial services has evolved from solution-focused to customer-focused. Today’s clients are using more agile, iterative explorations, conducted with far less money and time. The article details the essential methods and skills qualitative researchers need to be successful in financial services product research. […]
Moderator and healthcare specialist Laura Nozicka joins Mike Carlon for a discussion on how moderators can use podcasting to help grow their business. In this episode, Mike and Laura discuss Laura’s path to marketing research, how she got her moderating business off the ground, and how she’s using podcasting to grow her business as it becomes more mature. […]
Ipsos Executive Emmanuel Probst joins Mike Carlon for a discussion about the evolving role of brands and implications for market research. They discuss Probst’s latest book, Assemblage: The art and science of creating transformative brands. […]
Wall Street Journal bestselling author & Vice President of Customer and Marketing Insights Karen Mangia of Salesforce talks tech, people management, and the state of the research industry with Mike Carlon, podcast host. […]
While the interpersonal skills required to interview participants for research purposes and interview guests on a podcast are similar, how you apply them is different. In this article, veteran moderator and podcaster Mike Carlon discusses how and why he breaks the rules when interviewing guests on his podcast, Uncorking a Story. […]
Moderators and authors have a lot in common, and no one knows this more than Mike Carlon. As the author of eight novels and a professional who has been involved in the qualitative marketing research business for a quarter of a century, Carlon lives these similarities firsthand. These insights were cemented after he started interviewing authors on the Uncorking a Story podcast and his researcher instincts kicked in, and he started documenting them. In this article, he shares insights into the five traits qualitative researchers and moderators share. […]
Mike Carlon reviews April Bell’s book, The Fire Starter: Igniting Innovation with Empathy. Carlon and Bell both work as qualitative researchers, and Carlon outlines why Bell strongly builds and then outlines why and how empathy should be the cornerstone for innovation. […]
Winter is coming! Yikes, did I just start off this column with a clichéd Game of Thrones reference? Just like winter came for the house of Frey (thank you, Arya Stark), winter has come for me as well. Two years ago, I took over the editor-in-chief position from Jenifer Hartt, which means that this winter’s edition will be my last. It’s time to pass the torch (or snow shovel as the case may be) to someone willing and capable. That someone is (drumroll please) Tamara Kenworthy. This of course means that VIEWS is in great hands. […]
I hope that this issue inspires you the same way it did all of us on the VIEWS team. You’ll be whisked away to the desert of Burning Man and the beautiful landscape of Southeast Asia. You’ll learn all about dark marketing and how to use WhatsApp in your qualitative research. Interested in storytelling? We’ve got something for you to sink your creative teeth into in this month’s Luminaries column which profiles Nancy Cox, a storytelling consultant. […]
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