
Demystifying Semiotics: A Primer on How to Do Semiotic Decoding

In this how-to article, SemioFest co-founder Hamsini Shivakumar demystifies semiotics. She explains: what semiotics is; how it is different from voice-of-the-customer research; and how semiotics-based insights help your customers improve their marketing. Hamsini also provides an introductory how-to on conducting semiotics analyses so that you can consider how you might incorporate semiotics into your practice or business. […]

photo sequence
Schools of Thought

What Might a Picture “Sequence” Reveal for Deeper Insights?

Like many marketing researchers and facilitators, Mary Ellyn Vicksta uses photos and visuals during focus groups and facilitate meetings to prompt responses. The use of sequencing can be extremely helpful to get to a deeper meaning—whether that is with consumers or with clients as they develop products or services. This article explains sequencing and how to use it. […]