
Level-Up the Conversation with Rapport-Building 201

The post-COVID world continues to evolve. Raising the comfort level, building an authentic connection, and creating a community with our participants have never been more important. Especially when working with diverse participants, we need to make sure their voices are also heard equally. […]


Diverse Research Teams Help Maximize Your Insights

With the increased interest in engaging diverse communities from brands and organizations across all sectors, some market researchers are faced with a unique challenge in engaging these communities. Learn the importance of building a diverse research team and its impact not only on your team’s viability, but also recommendations provided for clients. […]


The Rich and Complex World of WhatsApp in Research

This article will give all researchers insights on how to use WhatsApp in their methodology toolbox. It will also illuminate how WhatsApp can allow for capturing more natural responses and stories, an approach aligned with the research industry’s increasing recognition that research methods that cultivate real-world storytelling are vital to surfacing deep insights. […]

Image showing a Jeep ad from the 2021 Super Bowl, along with a participant's brain wave reaction

Your Brain on Super Bowl Ads

Every year, Marketing Brainology conducts a Super Bowl study that measures an average of 40 participants’ reactions to commercials using a three-step process—leveraging EEG, eye-tracking, and in-depth interviews. These processes are done consecutively on the same day, to capture participants’ raw reactions to the ads, as these reactions have the potential to fade or be forgotten as time passes. […]