Business Matters

What Am I Buying and Why: An Insurance Primer

Calvin Gilman explains the types of small-business insurance that may be most relevant for qualitative researchers operating small businesses. Calvin aims to arm readers with some tools that will help them become more savvy consumers of insurance, and give them a better understanding of the risks that face their businesses and methods to mitigate those risks. He discusses contract insurance, professional liability, and the growing issue of cyber liability coverage. Qualitative professionals should discuss these issues with insurance brokers to determine coverage options and premiums available, and should also discuss risk management with their entire qualitative research teams. […]

From the Editor in Chief

From the Editor in Chief – Spring 2022

In 2015 when I joined the VIEWS team, I was looking for a way to engage with QRCA and was intrigued with the VIEWS committee. I vividly remember my call with then-Editor-in-Chief Kay Corry Aubrey and how passionate she was about working on the VIEWS publication. She quickly sold me on the idea that this was the committee for me. Who knew then that I would be given the opportunity to helm the publication, which I’m so excited about—thus launching me into this new adventure.  […]