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Crossing Over from Traditional Qualitative to User Experience Research: The Journey with a Thousand Faces
There is increasing demand for user experience (UX) research, and qualitative researchers’ unique expertise in understanding human behavior can help bring this type of research to the next level. The author focuses on the use of three frameworks that explain the “whys”—and this understanding is equally significant when consumers are interacting with technology as when they interact with other products and services. The author provides examples that have proven to be very useful in her experience exploring customer journeys within shopping apps and streaming platforms. […]
Interview with Dr. Stephen Covey
Dr. Sharon Livingston interviews Dr. Stephen Covey. An internationally respected leadership authority, family expert, teacher, organizational consultant, and author, Dr. Covey dedicates his life […]
VIEWS Podcasts: Dave Kaye
A seasoned expert in digital qualitative research, Dave Kaye’s career has taken him around the world listening firsthand to stories from thousands of research participants. His ability to get to the heart of the narrative and the insights that live within it has put him at the forefront of mobile research co-founding Field Notes, one of the world’s first smart phone research apps. Dave is passionate about bringing new technologies to research, but he is always keen to keep things simple. He joins Conversations in Depth to discuss his nontraditional path of getting into the market research business and his passion for digital methods. […]