
From the Editor in Chief – Summer 2024

Our cover story is on the Future of Qualitative Research in our Business Matters column. We thank author Len Ferman for donating his time to conduct a workshop on the future of qualitative research and share the ideas generated.

Enjoying the Lazy Days of Summer without Missing a Qualitative Beat  

By Tamara Kenworthy, MBA, IPC, PCM  | Editor-in-Chief, QRCA VIEWS Magazine | President, ON POINT STRATEGIES | Des Moines, Iowa, tamara@on-pointstrategies.com 


Summer is my favorite season—longer daylight, lots of sunshine, BBQs, fun in the pool—I like to relish in the present and make each day count. But at VIEWS, we’re still looking ahead to the next several issues and getting at the pulse of our industry, so we bring you content you need to stay energized about the field of research. 

I’m excited about our cover story on the Future of Qualitative Research in our Business Matters column. VIEWS thanks Len Ferman, who donated his time to conduct a workshop on the future of qualitative research with a group of QRCA members. His article, an output of that workshop, is a MUST-READ outlining lots of ideas our qual community needs to be thinking about to ensure relevance and satisfaction in our careers and for our clients. 

What does the future hold regarding artificial intelligence (AI) for research? You can’t read a newsletter today without an article on AI—but don’t pass up our Trends column that brings a different twist of applicability on how researchers can benefit from using AI applications. 

We have a full VIEWS Toolbox this issue with three varied articles. My favorite session at the January QRCA conference was on DIY infographics, and I definitely wanted it featured in VIEWS on how we can spruce up the visual display of our projects’ insights and data.  

Our second Toolbox article features design thinking with a wonderful step-by-step guide on how to conduct a project using this collaborative approach. Speaking of collaboration, our third Toolbox article shares how quallies can best collaborate with ad agencies on client projects. 

In Schools of Thought, I love this article on listening to the “language of objects,” in which consumers and things co-do, and objects are active participants in shaping human behavior. 

Current ESOMAR Board President Ray Poynter is featured in Luminaries and illuminates the importance of scenario planning, which he describes as “instead of trying to always be right, which is impossible, it tries to never be wrong.” In our quarterly Podcast, Mike Carlon talks with David Kalisher, who has turned a filmmaking career into one in marketing and research using the power of the lens. 

Our Global column focuses on Latin America, a region with 33 countries, and how they’ve taken a battle-hardened spirit to master adaptation and face life’s challenges head-on. 

Now, back to those lazy days of summer! There is a fun read in Travelwise, as we take you on a trip to various baseball fields with a researcher’s perspective at the ole ball game. 

Plus, don’t pass up the Book Reviews section—as you’re lazing in the sun, we have three more great books for inspiration! 

Please share this Summer issue (qrcaviews.org) with your network, post the digital flipbook link on social media, and email your clients an interesting article relevant to them. 

Happy reading! 

Tamara Kenworthy